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International Institute 

Our purpose at FTP International Institute (FTPII) is to educate, motivate, unify, and mobilize the body of Christ to continue the work of the great commission for this generation and generations to come.


FTP International Institute is specifically designed to provide discipleship training and educational courses created to enable, empower, and equip individuals who do not have the opportunity to pursue a traditional college education. These educational courses provide Bible-based lessons used for individual study, small groups, homes, schools, and prisons, as well as local and international church bodies.  


Our purpose at FTPII is to educate, motivate, unify, and mobilize the body of Christ to continue the work of the great commission for this generation and generations to come.

Mobilizing The Body


The Church is a spiritual body under commission. Since 99% of the Church is composed of laymen, this force must be motivated to become reproductive in order to harvest the spiritual fields of the nations of the world.


Through the application of Scriptural principles, this training results in each believer having the potential to raise up other motivated followers of Christ, creating a network of unified believers throughout the world.   


FTP International Institute is not a seminary for those who desire the study of theological issues or training in Biblical languages, archeology, history, etc. Furthermore, FTPII is not in competition with any traditional seminaries, Bible colleges, etc. We do not identify as a specific denomination, we believe we are unified through Christ as representatives of love through action and in truth. As representatives of Christ, we offer these resources to give pastors and leaders the opportunity to be trained and train their own people within the ministry setting of their local body.

Functional Mobility 


Through the internet, modern technology, local translation, publication, and distribution, these courses can be taken anywhere in the world which allows believers to be trained without leaving their present environment. 


Students study within the context of their own culture, allowing their daily activities to remain stable. Our Institute uses the distance factor as a positive element in developing learning independence. The goal of these educational courses is not to make students dependent upon teachers, but independent of them.



Cost Effective 


In its digital format, FTP International Institute can be taken into nations without customs problems or expensive shipping costs. It can be downloaded from the internet free of charge throughout the world as well as being reproduced on flash drives and SD cards etc. This allows individual countries to access and reproduce the materials while keeping costs at a minimum. 




The institute is a decentralized training program. This means that minimum control is exercised by the institute headquarters. We provide curriculum and guidelines for reproduction, translations, and organizing schools, but we do not control the details of the operation of local institutes. Decentralization enables rapid growth and provides the flexibility necessary for a cross-cultural program of this nature. 


Curriculum Emphasis 


The curriculum of FTPII emphasizes two major areas:

First: What Jesus taught by word and demonstration to raise up trained and motivated leadership. Training focuses on what He taught to transform simple men into reproductive Christians who reached the known world with the Gospel message in a demonstration of love and power.


Second: The curriculum emphasizes what was demonstrated and taught during the times of the Acts and Epistles as His plan was instituted in the early Church.


Copyright Regulations


You may freely reproduce and distribute Haverstime/FTPII materials.

You may charge a reasonable fee if you are printing the courses or providing them with Sd cards or flash drives.

You may not commercialize the Harvestime or FTPII materials or put your own name on them as the Author



Each FTPII course is categorized into five main modules. Though each course can be taken independently in and within itself at any time, the order of each module is designed for complete discipleship training from beginning to end. You can access each course by clicking the button labeled "Start Courses" at the bottom of this page. 


Visualizing: Communicating the vision of a spiritual harvest. 



The initial call of Jesus Christ to men was to be spiritually reproductive: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." His final command, that of the Great Commission, also challenged followers to spiritual reproduction. Using the analogy of the natural harvest, this course focuses on promises of spiritual harvest, things that prevent harvest, and keys to effective harvest. It communicates the vision which the remainder of Institute courses equips students to fulfill. 



Commission: Training laborers to fulfill the vision



This course stresses the importance of proper spiritual foundations for life and ministry by focusing on the foundations of the Christian faith identified in Hebrews 6:1: Repentance, faith, baptism, laying on of hands, resurrection, and eternal judgment. 



The "Gospel of the Kingdom" shall be preached in all the world before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:14). Understanding of Kingdom principles is necessary if one is to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom. This course focuses on patterns and principles of Kingdom living applicable to life and ministry




This course moves participants beyond the natural world into the realm of the spirit. Tactics of the enemy are analyzed and strategies of spiritual warfare assuring victory over the principalities and powers of the spirit world are explained. MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: This study focuses on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, spiritual fruit, and spiritual gifts. Students are guided in the discovery of their own spiritual gifts and position of ministry in the Body of Christ. 


KNOWING GOD'S VOICE: This course explains how God speaks to men today and how to find His general and specific plans for life. A Christian model for decision-making is presented, along with guidelines for overcoming wrong decisions, steps to take if you have missed the will of God, and methods for dealing with questionable practices. 



This course equips students for the personal study of the Word of God after the conclusion of Institute training. Students learn how to study the Bible by book, chapter, paragraph, verse, and word. Other methods taught include biographical, devotional, theological, typological, and topical. Special guidelines for studying Bible poetry and prophecy are presented and students are taught methods of charting and outlining. 



This survey provides an overview of the entire Bible. Study outlines of each book of the Bible are provided for further development by the student. Volume One: Introduction and Old Testament. Volume Two: New Testament. 





Multiplying the spiritual labor force which has been trained. 



This course examines the Biblical worldview from Genesis through Revelation. God's plan for the nations of the world from the beginning of time is detailed. 



This course examines the methods Jesus used to teach and preach the Gospel. Students are taught how to prepare and present lessons and how to teach and preach the Gospel. 



God's plan for spiritual multiplication is presented. This study reveals how a single Christian can be responsible for the multiplication of thousands of trained and motivated believers. Church growth principles are emphasized. 



The early church was born in a demonstration of the power of God. Power principles taught in this course equip students for spiritual harvest and moves them from being spectators to demonstrators of the power of God.





Organizing the resources resulting from multiplication.


BIBLICAL MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES: A review of Biblical management principles with emphasis on servant leadership, Biblical leaders, and Scriptural strategies for success. 


PRINCIPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Students learn environmental analysis on an individual, church, and organizational basis. They learn how to analyze the spiritual environment of a village, city, state or nation prior to penetrating it with the Gospel message. 


MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES: Everything Jesus did centered around the great purposes of God. This course analyzes Christ's objectives for ministry and teaches students to institute management by objectives in their own life and ministry. 






Mobilizing the spiritual task force through practical application.

MOBILIZATION METHODOLOGIES: This course presents methods for mobilizing spiritual forces for God and explains practical application to specific areas of ministry. 


2: EVANGELIZING: The vision becomes reality through the process of leaven-like evangelism. 


LEAVEN-LIKE EVANGELISM: The Gospel of the Kingdom spreads throughout the world as leaven in bread dough: The leaven is small and hidden, but its impact is unlimited. Effective evangelism strategies are taught, including detailed instruction on the deliverance ministry, church planting, and techniques of networking between ministries. 


Module One: Visualizing

 Communicating the vision of spiritual harvest. 


1. Strategies for Spiritual Harvest



Module Two: Commission

Training laborers to fulfill the vision​



2. Foundations Of Faith
3. Kingdom Living



4. Spiritual Strategies (Warfare)



6. Knowing God’s Voice



8. Basic Bible Survey: Old Testament



5. Ministry of The Holy Spirit



7. Creative Bible Study Methods



9. Basic Bible Survey:
New Testament



Module Three: Multiplying

Multiplying trained Disciples


10. Developing a Biblical WorldView


11. Teaching Tactics





12. Methodology of Multiplication


13. Power Principles

Module Four: Organizing

Organizing the resources from multiplication


14. Biblical Management Principles


15. Principles of Environmental Analysis


16. Management by Objectives



Module Five: Mobilizing & Evangelizing

Mobilizing through practical application 


17. Mobilization Methodologies
Evangelism: The Vision Becomes Reality 


18. Leaven-Like Evangelism
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